Who’s Aimee Liu?

I’m a veteran author, ghostwriter, and creative writing advisor. My books include the novels Glorious Boy, Cloud Mountain, Flash House, and Face, which have made various bestseller lists and been published in more than a dozen languages. My fiction generally circles around themes related to my Asian-American heritage, which is also one of the core themes here at Legacy&Lore.

I’ve also written a couple of groundbreaking books about eating disorders, Solitaire and Gaining The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders. And chances are, you’ve read at least one of the nonfiction bestsellers I’ve ghostwritten.

I have an MFA from Bennington Writers, and I taught for 15 years in Goddard College’s MFA in Creative Writing Program.

What is Legacy&Lore?

My goal for this publication is to share the professional insights and graduate-level knowledge I’ve gleaned over more than 30 years of publishing and teaching creative writing. I also post occasional installments from my memoir-in-progress, an exploration of the multi-generational fallout of my father’s experience as a Chinese-American immigrant.

Legacy&Lore consists of two sections:

  1. Chinese-American Legacy features posts about Asian-American history through the lens of the discoveries I’m making as I write about my biracial family heritage.

  2. MFA Lore offers graduate-level creative writing tips and insights that I’ve shared with MFA students over my years of teaching. Paid subscribers will have access to special features in this section, including Write On!, a regular response to your burning writing questions, and occasional Writers in Conversation, featuring writers, editors, and agents I’ve met over my 40-year career in the book business.

Important! You can choose which section to receive, if you don’t want both!

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* For even more about my life and books, please visit my website: aimeeliu.net

* Also check out my stories at authoraimeeliu.medium.com

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Subscribe to Aimee Liu's MFA Lore

Veteran author & MFA advisor Aimee Liu offers graduate-level insights into creative writing and book publishing, with an emphasis on memoir and fiction.


Author of the novels Glorious Boy, Flash House, Cloud Mountain, and Face. Nonfiction includes Gaining: The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders and Solitaire. Longtime faculty @ Goddard MFA in Creative Writing.